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X (Twitter) Poster User Guide

Automated content posting to Twitter / X
David Logan
Updated 1 month ago
  1. About Twitter Poster
  2. Content settings
  3. Posting settings
  4. Automation settings

About X (former Twitter) Poster

Twitter PosterX (Twitter) Poster automatically shares content from content feeds to your Twitter accounts. To start sharing content you need to set up a Twitter posting campaign.

To be able to create a Twitter posting campaign you need to sign up for any of RSS Ground membership plans.

For better posting experience, we recommend creating your own Twitter developer app. With a help of a default RSS Ground app, you will be able to make posts only once a day and it can be used for testing.

You can have one or several posting campaigns running simultaneously, depending on your membership level limits.

See the user guide on how to create a posting campaign.

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In the Content section, you add your content feeds. Advanced settings will help you fine-tune the algorithm of selecting content from the feeds for a next post.

To add feeds to your posting campaign, click on Add content. Use the Import feeds option to manually add one or several content feeds. Your feeds will be added to this posting campaign and automatically saved to your Feeds Box.

If you already have your feeds saved in the Feeds Box, use the From Feeds Box option.

Note: You can use up to 10 content feeds in one posting campaign.

Advanced settings are optional.

Post items - here you set the order in which content from your feeds will be processed and selected for posting.

  • Only new - only content appeared in the feeds after the previous campaign run will be used for posting.
  • From newest to oldest - if there is no new content in the feeds, most fresh but not yet posted content will be used for posting.
  • From oldest to newest - feeds' content will be posted starting from the oldest.
  • Randomly - random content from specified feeds will be posted.

If you wish to post only recent news to your Twitter accounts, you are recommended to use the Only new option.

If you wish to ensure the gradual update of your Twitter accounts, you are recommended to use the From newest to oldest option.

If you make posts from content feeds where timestamp does not matter, for example, product feeds or affiliate feeds, you may use the Random option.

Note: posting campaign uses one feed item for one post at a time, and no matter what option was used in the Post items option, duplicate content will never be used for posting, unless you use recycling.

Enable recycling - this option allows you to re-post already posted content over again.

Re-post items - you can set a limit to re-post the same content up to 5 times or choose Indefinitely - to re-post the same content an unlimited number of times.

The recycling option can be good for affiliate product feeds, or other content feeds where unique content is not a priority. Please use this option very carefully. Social networks don't like duplicate content.

Post only items with these keywords - specify one or several content filter keywords. Only content which mentions at least one of the specified keywords in its title or description will be posted.

Don't post items with these keywords - specify one or several content filter keywords. Content that mentions at least one of the specified keywords in its title or description will be excluded from posting.

Don't post items without images - some content feeds may contain items that don't have any images in them. This option will allow you to ignore such items.

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In the Posting section, you authenticate your Twitter accounts along with Twitter developer apps. 

Since the recent changes at Twitter you need to have your own developer app. See this step-by-step user guide on how to create and set up X (Twitter) developer app.

Note: You can create your app under one X (Twitter) account and then use it in a set with other X (Twitter) accounts for posting. No need to create a separate app for each of your X (Twitter) accounts.

To start making posts to Twitter, you need to create a Twitter account / Twitter app set.

In Post to select Add new account / app set.

Select X (Twitter) app - select your app from the dropdown. You can use a default RSS Ground app. But it is limited to make only one post a day. To add new custom app, select Add new X (Twitter) app option.

Name your app to easily identify it later, and specify your app Client ID and Client Secret.

To create a set you need to Authenticate your X (Twitter) account. Select your Twitter app. And before you press the Authenticate button, make sure you are logged in to the needed X (Twitter) account.

As soon as you create your account / app set you will see it in the Post to dropdown and you be able to select it in your posting campaigns.

Note: Each app under free X (Twitter) account is limited to 1500 posts per month.

Enable integration - as soon you activate this option, you will be able to choose this campaign from the list in the trigger settings in Zapier, IFTTT or Pabbly Connect. With every campaign run, your integration platform(s) will be triggered and proceed with an action.

How to set up IFTTT applet for RSS Ground
How to connect RSS Ground to Zapier
How to use RSS Ground with Pabbly Connect

Advanced settings are optional.

Posting method - you can send your posts to Twitter in two ways.

  • Only link - will send only a content link to your Twitter account, and Twitter will automatically compile the post.
  • All post elements - will use all main post elements from the feed and also allow you to edit post mask. You can add, remove or change the order for the main post elements:
    %TITLE% - content title
    %DESCR% - content description
    %LINK% - backlink to the content source

By default, it will be %TITLE% %DESCR% - %LINK%. You can also add short text or some symbols to the post mask. But remember, your post (tweet) should not exceed 280 symbols. This includes the title, description, link and your additional symbols.

Note: It is not allowed to use any hashtags in the Posting mask. They all will be automatically removed.

Read more about posting mask

We recommend making test tweets using both posting methods to make sure which one better works with your content feeds.

Examples of the same auto tweets made with different methods:

All post elements method:

Only link method:

Use <category> as hashtag - some content feeds utilize <category> code tag that may contain original content tags and blog categories. You can apply this option to automatically use these tags as hashtags in your post.

Hashtags pool- here you can specify a pool of up to 100 hashtags that will be added to your tweets in random order. Up to 10 hashtags can be added to each tweet.

Use a random number of hashtags - set a range for the number of hashtags to be added to your tweets. Maximum values 10-10. This range is also applied to the Use <category> as hashtag option.

With the help of hashtags pool and number randomization, you can set to add a random number of random hashtags to your posts. According to the Twitter Quality Policy they don’t like when you manipulate hashtags and add the same hashtags in your tweets over and over again. We strongly recommend using a sufficient pool of hashtags to ensure their randomization in order to avoid penalties from Twitter.

Please remember about the necessity to include an affiliate disclosure to any post that features affiliate products. Affiliate disclosure is a statement that makes it clear there is an affiliate relationship between a publisher and a brand. You can use #ad or #sponsored as a disclosure for your posts in case you use affiliate feeds in your posting campaigns. Read more about affiliate disclosure

Shorten & track links - here you can choose to shorten links in your tweets with one of the shortening services. Some link shortening services may require your personal API keys. shorten service also allows you to use tags with its short URLs. This will allow you to filter these short URLs in your account.

However, you can choose not to shorten your links and Twitter will shorten them automatically.

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In the Automation section, you set your posting campaign timing: how often your posting campaign should make posts. Advanced automation settings allow the implementation of a more flexible schedule for your posting campaign.

Posting Frequency - how often you wish to make posts. The minimum time interval between posts depends on your membership level: from once "every 24 hours" for the Basic level, to "every 30 minutes" for the Business level.

Test post - use this option to test-run or simply make a manual post. Read more about test post option

Note: as soon as you hit Test run current campaign settings will be automatically saved.

Advanced settings are optional.

Run campaign - set the campaign to run continuously or on certain days.

Run campaign = Always – the campaign will run on every day of the week

Run campaign = Specific Days & Times – you can select days of the week and time periods for your posts.

You can also set a delayed start of your campaign and date to automatically stop it.

Pay attention to the time zone setting. By default, your local (set on your computer) time zone is selected. But you can choose any time zone to adjust your posting campaign timing.

Read more about posting campaign automation.

When you are done with settings, press SAVE. Now you can find your posting campaign in the Posting Campaigns section of your RSS Ground account. You can add or remove feeds, edit your campaign when you need. Also, you can view the posting camping log to monitor its performance. See the links below for more information.

Useful articles:

What is a posting campaign

How to create a posting campaign

Setting up a posting campaign the best way

Posting campaign automation settings

Managing posting campaigns and reading posting campaign log

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