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How to use RSS Ground with Pabbly Connect

Automated content sharing and content collection with Pabbly Connect
David Logan
Updated 5 months ago
  1. Trigger: New Item in Posting Campaign
  2. Trigger: New Item in Personal Feed
  3. Action: Create Item in Personal Feed

Pabbly Connect allows you to create, manage and promote your entire business with a single Pabbly account with access to powerful tool applications like form builder, email marketing, subscription billing & much more.

You can use Pabbly Connect to share and collect content with a help of RSS Ground service. Automated connections in Pabbly Connect are called workflows. Each workflow has one app as a "Trigger", where your information comes from and which causes one or more "Actions" in other apps, where your data gets sent automatically.
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RSS Ground can be used as a Trigger for automated content sharing. There are two scenarios: (a) New Item in Posting Campaign or (b) New Item in Personal feed. In Scenario (a) one of your posting campaigns will be the content source. When this campaign will be making a new post, it will automatically send this post also to Zapier. In scenario (b) one of your personal feeds will be the content source. As soon as you add new item to this personal feed it will be automatically sent to Zapier.

RSS Ground can be used as an Action for content collection: when new content appears in the selected trigger, a new item will be created in the specified personal feed.
One click RSS Ground integrations at Pabbly Connect

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Trigger: New Item in Posting Campaign

Before creating an applet you need to create at least one Integration Platforms posting campaign or enable integration in one of your regular posting campaigns.

1. Log in to your Pabbly Connect account.

2. Click "Create Workflow" button.

3. Select RSS Ground app as a Trigger (Trigger : When this happens …)

4. Select Trigger Event - New Item in Posting Campaign. This means that when a new post will be made by your posting campaign, it will also be sent to this workflow.

Press Connect to authenticate your RSS Ground account.

5. Once you are authenticated you can select one of your RSS Ground posting campaigns from the dropdown:

6. Press Save & Send Test Request. This option sends a test request to your posting campaign. To complete this step, make sure that a posting campaign you wish to use is activated. Pabbly Connect will use one content item to map content for future posts.

7. Now you can go on and select any app as an Action (Do this …)

Your posting campaign will be sharing content to this workflow on autopilot.

You can see how many Workflows are already used in the Integration posting campaign editor:

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Trigger: New Item in Personal Feed

Before creating an applet you need to create at least one personal feed.

1. Log in to your Pabbly Connect account.

2. Click "Create Workflow" button.

3. Select RSS Ground app as a Trigger (Trigger : When this happens …)

4. Select Trigger Event - New Item in Personal Feed. This means that when a new item will be added to your personal feed, it will also be sent to this workflow.

Press Connect to authenticate your RSS Ground account.

5. Once you are authenticated you can select one of your RSS Ground personal feeds from the dropdown:

6. Press Save & Send Test Request. This option sends a test request to your personal feed. To complete this step, make sure that your personal feed contains at least one active item. Pabbly Connect will use one content item to map content for future posts.

7. Now you can go on and select any app as an Action (Do this …)

Your personal feed will be sharing content to this workflow on autopilot.

You can see how many Workflows are already used in the Integration posting campaign editor:

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Action: Create Item in Personal Feed.

Before creating a workflow with RSS Ground app as an Action, you need to create at least one personal feed in RSS Ground

1. Log in to your Pabbly Connect account.

2. Click "Create Workflow" button.

3. Set up a Trigger app for content collection (Trigger : When this happens …)

4. Now you set up an Action (Do this …)  and select RSS Ground app. From the Action Event dropdown select Add a new item to personal feed and press Connect to authenticate your RSS Ground account:

5. As soon as your RSS Ground is authenticated you will be able to select one of your personal feeds.

6. Now you need to map content which will be added to your personal feed going further. Click on the field and select relevant content element for Title and Description (required) and for other fields (optional)

7. Now you can save your workflow.

From now, workflow will be on autopilot. As soon as new content appears in the trigger, it will be sent to your personal feed.

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