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Personal Feeds User Guide

Create, compose, edit, customize content feeds, semi-automated posting
David Logan
Updated 1 month ago

  1. About personal feeds
  2. Creating a new personal feed
  3. Creating a new post (item) for a personal feed (OpenAI assistants)
  4. Add items to a personal feed
  5. Edit posts (items) in the personal feed
  6. How to use personal feeds

About Personal Feeds

Personal Feeds

Personal feeds - are private content feeds that consist of posts composed manually or/and items added from other content feeds.

Personal feeds allow you to implement a semi-automated method of content sharing. Only selected items added to your personal feed will be posted.

Personal feeds allow you to compose your own content and also edit content from other content feeds.

Finally, personal feeds can be your collections of targeted items on various topics. They can be easily used not only in RSS Ground but also outside in other tools and services still being managed from your RSS Ground account.

To be able to create and use personal feeds you need to sign up for any of RSS Ground membership plans.

The number of personal feeds is limited according to the quota for private feeds, depending on your RSS Ground membership plan.

Please note: you can add up to 500 items to your personal feed. However, only 50 the most recent items will be visible. You can manipulate with item's date to make them visible. Or you can remove deprecated items to free room for fresh content.

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Creating personal feed

If you already have an RSS Ground account, find the FEEDS - Create a personal feed link in the main menu:

You can also start creating a personal feed from My Account page by using the Add content option:

Or, you can use the same dropdown in your Feeds Box:

In the Personal feed editor, you need to specify feed's title, description (optional), feed's URL slug, and tags (optional).

Feed's title and description will be used as RSS channel metadata.

URL slug allows you to customize URL of your feed. This should be a unique slug, not taken by other users.

Your personal feed can be immediately added to any posting campaign, content widget, or Feeds Reader. Or you can just save your personal feed to the Feeds Box. Also, you can start creating content for your new personal feed.

Press the SAVE FEED button for any of the above actions.

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Creating a new post (item) for a personal feed

There are several ways to start composing a new post (item) for a personal feed.

You can use the Write new post icon next to your personal feed in the Feeds Box, and start writing a post for this specific personal feed:

Here in Feeds Box, you can use the Add content option to start writing a new post.

Or you can use the main menu: FEEDS - Write new post:

Finally, you can start writing a new post from the My Account page using the Add content dropdown:

In the Write new post editor, specify your post title and description.

OpenAI assistant.

You can use an artificial neural network assistance to help you with your new content post. Click on the OpenAI assistant option.

You can use ChatGPT (generative Pretrained Transformer) to generate textual content (Read more).
And use DALL-E for images (Read more).

NOTE: To generate images with the help of DALL-E you have to use your OpenAI Secret API key.
Basic users also have to use their key to generate text with ChatGPT. Paid users can use ChatGPT without an API key. Read about obtaining OpenAI API key.

You can use Default settings to automatically specify your key when you create a new post and need assistance.

To get quality content you need to use effective prompts. 

Read more about writing effective prompts

You can use basic formatting for your content, add links, images, videos, and your own HTML.

We don't allow javasript in the description though.

Images also have some limitations: 3mb file size and jpg, jpeg, svg, png, gif, .apng, webp, .avif formats.

Now you need to specify your post link. Each personal feed's post (item) has two types of links: local and external.

Local link will lead back to the post itself when shared. External link will take visitors to any other URL you specify. It is your choice what link, local or external, will your post have.

Each manual post will have the current time and date by default. But if you don't want to publish your post immediately, you can select any future time and date. Until that time, the post won't be visible in the feed. Use the Don't publish immediately option to set a scheduled time.

Before you publish your post, please make sure the right personal feed is selected in the "Add to feed" dropdown.

If you are not done composing your post, you can save it as a draft and come back later to finish it.

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Add a new item to a personal feed

To add a new item to your personal feed, you need to go to Feeds Box and preview any feed you like.

In the preview, choose any item you like and click on the "Add this item to personal feed" icon:

Then choose a personal feed from the dropdown. If you wish to save the selected item as draft to refine it before publishing, use the "Save as draft: option.  Then press ADD:

You can also add items to your personal feeds from Feeds Reader. Choose the needed item, right-click on the item's title, and then choose the needed personal feed from the list:

When you preview your personal feed in Feeds Box, you see 50 latest active items. To see all items (scheduled, draft, archived), you need to go to the feed's editor.

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Edit posts (items) in the personal feed

To manage all posts and items in your personal feed, you need to go to the feed's editor. Click on the Edit option next to the needed personal feed in the Feeds Box:

In the feed's editor, all posts and items are sorted according to their time and date, with the most recent on the top.

Note: you can add up to 500 items to your personal feed. However, only 50 most recent items will be visible. You can manipulate with item's date to make it visible. Or you can remove deprecated items to free room for fresh content.

All scheduled and draft posts will be on the top.

You can use the Filter option to:
  • search by keywords;
  • filter feed's items by status (draft, scheduled, archived);
  • set feed's items display mode (titles only, magazine view, full view);
  • set the number of items per page.
You can use the bulk option to:
  • change status for the selected items;
  • move selected items to other personal feed;
  • copy selected items to other personal feed;
  • delete selected items.

To edit feed's item, use the Edit icon. Here you can go to edit your post or item, or remove it from the feed.

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How to use personal feeds

Personal feeds will work just as regular RSS Ground private feeds. You can use them in your posting campaigns (see user guide), content widgets (see user guide) or add to Feeds Reader (see user guide).

Personal feeds allow you to implement a semi-automated posting method. When you manually select items for your personal feeds, you make sure that only quality items are posted to your social accounts or blogs.

You can use your personal feeds for content sharing or content collection with a help of one of the automation platforms (IFTTT, Zapier, Pabbly Connect) (see user guide)

You can use the advanced filter option in Feeds Reader to automate the process of content collecting (see user guide). 

You can create separate personal feeds for items from specific content sources, or on specific topics, or dedicated for specific posting campaigns.

Content will stay in your personal feeds even after content feed that originally had that content was deleted from your Feeds Box or Feeds Reader.

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