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Best Buy Feeds User Guide

Best Buy affiliate product feeds
David Logan
Updated 2 months ago
  1. About Best Buy Feeds
  2. Basic settings
  3. Advanced settings
  4. Generating the feed

About Best Buy Feeds

Best Buy Feeds

BestBuy Feeds from RSS Ground allows you to generate self-updating content feeds with Best Buy products searched by keywords, by original Best Buy categories, or by specific manufacturers.

Your Best Buy affiliate ID (IPID) will be automatically embedded into product links.

Note: at the moment, Best Buy Feeds generator can search for products only for the US region.

Please remember about the necessity to include an affiliate disclosure on any pages or posts that feature affiliate products. Affiliate disclosure is a statement that makes it clear there is an affiliate relationship between a publisher and a brand. Read more about affiliate disclosure.

Example of a Best Buy affiliate product from the feed:

To use the Best Buy Feeds generator you need to sign up for any of the RSS Ground membership plans

Best Buy feeds are private content feeds. The number of active private feeds is limited by your RSS Ground membership plan.

Before you start using the Best Buy Feeds generator you need to sign up for the Best Buy affiliate program and obtain your personal affiliate ID (IPID). See a quick guide.

If you already have an RSS Ground account, you need to go to FEEDS - Generate private feeds, and click on the Best Buy Feeds icon:

Learn more about getting started with content discovery in RSS Ground
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Basic settings

Best Buy Feeds generator has Basic and Advanced settings. Advanced settings are optional and are used for a more targeted search. You can use only basic settings to start searching for Best Buy products.

Categories - choose a specific Best Buy category to search for specific products. Only one category can be selected at a time. Use All Categories to search for products across the entire marketplace.

We provide a list of top-level Best Buy categories. However, you can search in any of the Best Buy categories by its ID. Use the Custom category ID option to specify your targeted category which is not on the list.

Learn how to find a needed Best Buy category ID

Enter keywords- you can search for Best Buy products by keywords. Leave empty if you wish to shop for all products from a specified category.

Affiliate ID (IPID) - is a digital code associated with your Best Buy affiliate account. It is used to track your sales and receive commissions for the promotion of Best Buy products. It will be automatically embedded into product links in your feeds.

Learn how to obtain a Best Buy affiliate ID

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Please remember about the necessity to include an affiliate disclosure on any pages or posts that feature affiliate products. Affiliate disclosure is a statement that makes it clear there is an affiliate relationship between a publisher and a brand. Read more about affiliate disclosure.

Advanced settings

Advanced settings are optional and are used for a more targeted search.

Filter by negative keywords - this filter is used to remove products related to at least one of the specified keywords from search results.

Filter by manufacturers - this option allows searching for Best Buy products of a specific manufacturer. You can select All categories in Basic settings and one of the needed manufacturers in the Advanced settings. If you specify several manufacturers at once, a single feed with products from all specified manufacturers will be generated.

Price range - you can limit your search results by a minimum and maximum product price. Enter only integers.

Sort by - this option allows you to sort search results in your Best Buy feeds by one of the parameters:

- Best match - it is a default Best Buy sorting.

- Bestselling - products with the highest selling rank will go first.

- Price: low to high - products with the lowest price will go first.

- Price: high to low - products with the highest price will go first.

- Customer rating - products with the highest customer rating will go first.

"Order" button CSS - here you can edit CSS to change the look & feel of item's order button to match your website's design. Alternatively, you can remove this CSS completely and use custom CSS classes in the feed to style the button in your website's CSS: .btn-buy {...}

Read more about editing order buttons

You can use the Preview option to make sure your feed displays products relevant to your search.

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Generating BestBuy feed

After you tune all basic and advanced settings, press the GENERATE button. You have several options:
  • Save to Feeds Box - simply save BestBuy feeds to the Feeds Box to use them later.
  • Add to Feeds Reader - add BestBuy feeds to your Feeds Reader to start following the latest updates or further research.
  • Add to a Posting Campaign - add BestBuy feeds to an existing posting campaign or start a new campaign to start sharing content from BestBuy feeds to your blogs and social media.
  • Add to a Content Widget - add your feeds to an existing content widget or create a new content widget to add a content block with BestBuy feeds to your website or blog.

Note: whatever option you choose, your new BestBuy feeds will be saved to your Feeds Box anyway.

We will generate a separate BestBuy product feed for each specified keyword.

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