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How to edit order buttons in affiliate RSS feeds

Amazon, eBay, CJ Affiliate, Best Buy product feeds
David Logan
Updated 6 months ago

Affiliate feeds are private content feeds with affiliate products from such online marketplaces as eBay, Amazon, CJ Affiliate, Best Buy.

Each affiliate feed contains a list of targeted products based on your search queries and filters. Each product in the feed has an order button with a link to a sales page with your affiliate ID embedded.

Order buttons and links have default styles. And can be used as is. However, you have an option to customize their appearance.

This can be useful if you wish to adjust order buttons to your website design, to make the buttons more noticeable, or even remove them.

Each affiliate feeds generator has an advanced setting option: "Order" button CSS.

This option shows the default inline CSS styles for order button and link. You can edit them or, alternatively, you can remove them completely and use your own corresponding CSS classes in the feed to style the button in your website's CSS: .btn-buy {...} 

Note: before you make any changes, please make sure you understand how it works, edit this option at your own risk.

If you wish to use your own styles you need to add them to this option and also to CSS on your own website.

Each affiliate generator has its own styles:

.btn-buy.amzn { ... } - Amazon feeds
.btn-buy.ebay { ... } - eBay feeds
.btn-buy.cjaff { ... } - CJ Affiliate { ... } - Best Buy

Each button has a link to a product page and it can also be customized:

.btn-nfo.amzn { ... }
.btn-nfo.ebay { ... }
.btn-nfo.cjaff { ... } { ... }

Also, you can customize div container for button and link:

.div-bar-btns.amzn { ... }
.div-bar-btns.ebay { ... } { ... }
.div-bar-btns.cjaff { ... }

To hide / remove the buttons from the feed:
.btn-buy {
display: none;

To hide / remove both buttons and links
.div-bar-btns {
display: none;

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