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Feeds Box User Guide

Save and manage content feeds
David Logan
Updated 1 month ago

If you can't watch the above video tutorial, please read the text version below.

  1. Overview
  2. Searching and filtering feeds in Feeds Box
  3. Preview feeds
  4. Edit feeds
  5. Delete feeds
  6. Add feeds to a campaign, widget, and Reader
  7. Add more feeds to Feeds Box
  8. Feeds Box limits

Feeds Box - is your collection of all content feeds ever searched or generated in RSS Ground.

When you generate new private content feeds, search for public content feeds, or create a new personal feeds, you can simply save them to your Feeds Box.

And even if you choose to add your feeds to a posting campaign, content widget, or send them to Feeds Reader, they will still be automatically saved to your Feeds Box. The same way your feeds get to your Feeds Box when you add them manually in your posting campaigns, content widgets or in Feeds Reader.

Find the Feeds Box link in the MY ACCOUNT section:

Also, you can use the main navigation menu:

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In Feeds Box all content feeds are saved chronologically, starting from the latest.

Each feed has a title, description, related tags, source URL, and RSS link. Public feeds have additional information about how often this feed is updated, does it have a full-text description, content language and type.

In Feeds Box, content feeds can be searched by title, description, URL, tags, and content source.

To search and filter your content feeds, use the Filter icon above the feeds' list:

You can use filters to find a group of related feeds:

Note: we save your last filters and you don't need to reset them over again. Please check your last filters if for some reason you don't see needed content feeds in your Feeds Box.

Use the Reset filters option to return to default settings (show all feeds).

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Actions with feeds

In Feeds Box you can Preview, Edit, Delete feeds, or add them to a posting campaign, content widget, and Feeds Reader. And if you already have a personal feed, you can start composing a new article for this feed. Pay attention to the Actions column.


In the Preview you can choose one of the display modes: titles only, magazine, full view:

  • Titles only view - shows only titles of all feed's articles (items).
  • Magazine view - shows a digest (image and short description) of all feed's articles (items).
  • Full view - shows all available information on each article (item).

From the Preview, you can also add content to your personal feeds.

Note: if you are using Chrome browser, please do not use such extensions as AdGuard and AdBlocker as they conflict with Preview pop-ups. You won't be able to view videos in feeds' previews. There are plenty of other ad blockers that don't break your browser.

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If you wish to change content filters or make other settings in your content feed you can edit it. Use the Edit icon in the Actions column.

Note: only private and personal content feeds, generated in RSS Ground, can be edited.

When you click on the Edit icon you go to the feed's editor. You change basic or advanced feed's settings there. Then you save the feed to Feeds Box or add it to a posting campaign, content widget, or Feeds Reader.

If you edit the feed which is already added to your posting campaign, content widget, or Feeds Reader, you don't have to replace it, it will be updated automatically. 

Also, in Feeds Box, you can edit the feed's title or add additional tags. Catchy or meaningful titles will help you to search or sort your content feeds. Simply point and double-click the title or tag, make changes.

Note: feed's title and tags stay the same until you change them manually, even when you edit and then re-save your feed.

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You can delete your feeds from Feeds Box one by one or in bulk. To remove a feed, use the Delete icon in the Actions column.

Note: don't delete content feeds from Feeds Box if you still wish to use them in Feeds Reader, in any posting campaign, or in any content widget. Otherwise, these feeds will be removed from there as well.

To remove a group of content feeds, select the needed feeds, and then press the SELECTED button.

SELECTED button also allows you to add feeds from the Feeds Box to existing posting campaigns and content widgets, or to Feeds Reader.

Add feeds to a posting campaign, content widget, or Feeds Reader

From Feeds Box you can add your content feeds to existing posting campaigns or content widgets, or create new posting campaigns or content widgets. You can also send your content feeds to any category of your Feeds Reader. Select content feeds and press the SELECTED button. Then choose an action you need.

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Saving more feeds to Feeds Box

To add more content feeds to your Feeds Box press Add content button. Choose what type of feed you wish to search or generate. If you wish to add content feeds manually, use the Import feeds option.

Find out more about getting new content in RSS Ground.

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Feeds Box limits

Each membership level has limits on the number of content feeds saved in Feeds Box.

Pay attention to the limits widget above the feeds list to find out how many feeds you already have and how close you are to your limit.

You won't be able to create and add more feeds to your Feeds Box if you hit the limit.

To be able to create and save more content feeds you need either to upgrade your membership plan or to delete unnecessary (excessive) content feeds from your Feeds Box.

But, again, be careful deleting feeds from the Feeds Box. Don't delete content feeds if you still wish to use them in Feeds Reader, in any posting campaign, or in any content widget. Otherwise, these feeds will be removed from there as well.

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