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YouTube Feeds User Guide

Content feeds of YouTube channels and search results
David Logan
Updated 1 week ago
  1. About YouTube Feeds
  2. Basic settings
  3. Advanced settings
  4. Generating the feed

About YouTube Feeds

YouTube FeedsYouTube Feeds generates self-updating content feeds with targeted YouTube videos related to a specific keyword or a specific YouTube channel ID.

* YouTube Feeds generator doesn't provide search by users or playlists.

Note: YouTube requires using a personal Google API Key. Please obtain the key before you start using YouTube Feeds generator (Instruction).

Example of a YouTube video feed:

To use YouTube Feeds generator you need to sign up for any of the RSS Ground membership plans

YouTube feeds are private content feeds. The number of active private feeds is limited by your RSS Ground membership plan.

If you already have an RSS Ground account, you need to go to FEEDS - Generate private feeds, and click on YouTube Feeds icon:

Learn more about getting started with content discovery in RSS Ground

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Basic settings

YouTube Feeds generator has Basic and Advanced settings. Advanced settings are optional and used for a more targeted search.

Choose if you wish to search for YouTube videos by keywords or by channel IDs.

Specify your search keywords or channel IDs. Up to 10 search keywords or channel IDs at a time are allowed.

Specify your Google API key if it is not used as a default setting (How to obtain Google API key - user guide).

For better search results, you can use YouTube search syntax. Learn more about YouTube search syntax.

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Advanced settings

To start searching for YouTube videos, only Basic settings are enough. Advanced settings are optional. However, in advanced settings, you can use several filters to get more targeted search results:

Filter by keywords - show only videos that mention in the title or description at least one of the specified keywords. This filter is used only with the search by YouTube channels.

Filter by negative keywords - remove from search result videos that mention in the title or description specified keywords.

Language preference - this parameter instructs to return search results that are most relevant to the specified language. Results in other languages can still be returned if they are highly relevant to the search.

Sort videos by - sort search results in your YouTube feed:
- Date - sort videos chronologically starting from the most recent.
- Relevance - show the most relevant videos first.
- Rating - sort videos according to their rating starting from the highest.
- Title - sort videos alphabetically by title (most likely first will show videos with titles starting with numbers and then alphabetically).
- View count - sort videos from highest to lowest number of views.
- Video count - used to sort feeds of YouTube channels.

Categories / Tags. You can assign tags to your private feeds during feed creation, not just while editing. Some tags are assigned by default, but you can remove or replace them.

Tags assigned to private feeds will be saved in the feedโ€™s channel under the <category> tag and wonโ€™t be visible in the feed's preview.

You can use tags to search for your feeds in the Feeds Box. Also, tags can be used in posting campaigns as hashtags for social media posts or as post tags/labels in blog posts.

Use the Preview option before generating to make sure your feed displays videos relevant to your search.

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Generating YouTube feeds.

After you tune all basic and advanced settings, press the GENERATE button. You have several options:

  • Save to Feeds Box - simply save YouTube feeds to Feeds Box to use them later.
  • Add to Feeds Reader - add YouTube feeds to your Feeds Reader to start following the latest updates or for further research.
  • Add to a Posting Campaign - add YouTube feeds to an existing posting campaign or create a new campaign to start sharing content from YouTube feeds to your blogs and social media.
  • Add to a Content Widget - add your feeds to an existing content widget or create a new content widget to add a content block with YouTube videos to your website or blog.
Note: whatever option you choose, your new YouTube feeds will be automatically saved to your Feeds Box.

A separate YouTube feed will be generated for each specified keyword or channel.

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