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How to obtain Google API key

YouTube content feeds
David Logan
Updated 2 years ago

Google has a daily quota (limits) for the number of YouTube video search requests. The quota is allocated to a personal user key which is obtained individually by each user. This key ensures you have uninterrupted access to your YouTube feeds independently from other users' performance.

Below is the step-by-step tutorial on how to obtain the Google API key for YouTube Feeds generator.

Note: you must have an active Google account to obtain the key.

1. Go to Google developers console

2. Agree to Terms that cover Google YouTube API usage. 

* YouTube API - is a set of functions and procedures that allow data research, such as YouTube videos and channels.

3. Now you need to create a project. Press CREATE PROJECT on the right.

Name the project and press CREATE.

4. Now you need to specify which API you wish to use, namely YouTube Data API.

Click ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES on the top, or Library in the left-side menu.

Enter YouTube Data into the search field and choose YouTube Data API from the list.

And press ENABLE.

5. Now you need to create your key. Click Credentials in the left-side menu, then click CREATE CREDENTIALS on the top and then choose API key in the drop-down.

You will see your API key in the pop-up. Save it. You will be using it in RSS Ground.

6. You can always find your key in the Credentials section under its name:

Now that you make all the settings, take the key and go to your RSS Ground account.

In the YouTube Feeds generator, you enter your Google API key in the Basic settings.

You can save your API key in the Default settings, and it will be automatically specified every time you generate new YouTube feeds.

If you already have YouTube feeds generated before the key option was implemented, you can easily resume all your feeds at once:

  • Go to the Default settings;
  • Find the Google YouTube API section and add your key there;
  • Check-mark Overwrite key for all YouTube feeds;
  • Press Update.

Your API key will be automatically added to all existing YouTube feeds.

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