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Shopify Feeds User Guide

Shopify product feeds, Shopify blog feeds
David Logan
Updated 2 months ago

  1. About Shopify Feeds
  2. Feeds with my Shopify products
  3. Feeds with my Shopify blog posts
  4. Feeds of Shopify blogs and stores by URL
  5. Generating the feed

About Shopify Feeds

Shopify Feeds

Shopify Feeds from RSS Ground allows you to generate self-updating content feeds with products or blog posts from your own Shopify store or from any other Shopify store.

To use the Shopify Feeds generator you need to sign up for any of the RSS Ground membership plans.

To be able to use the Shopify Feeds generator, you need to obtain Shopify credentials.

Shopify feeds are private content feeds. The number of active private feeds is limited by your RSS Ground membership plan.

Example of a Shopify feed item in the feed:

If you already have an RSS Ground account, you need to go to FEEDS - Generate private feeds, and click on the Shopify Feeds icon:

Learn more about getting started with content discovery in RSS Ground

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Feeds with my Shopify products

To generate feeds with products from your own Shopify store, you need to choose the Generate feeds of - my Shopify store option.

Then you have to authenticate your Shopify store. Click on the Authenticate button and enter your Shopify store domain name and Storefront API access token.

Please read our quick user guide on how to obtain Shopify credentials.

If you are still using legacy private apps, click the Use private app credentials option and enter your API key and Password.

Note: you can use the Default settings option to save your Shopify credentials to automatically authenticate your store when you wish to generate new Shopify feeds. User guide

As soon as your Shopify store is authenticated you will see a list of your product collections, including smart collections.

Use the Choose product collection option to select one or several collections. You can specify All products from all collections, to generate a single feed with all of your products. Or you can choose a specific collection to generate a separate feed.

Then press the Generate button.

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Feeds with my Shopify blog posts

To generate feeds with blog posts published in your own Shopify blog you need to choose the Generate feeds of - my Shopify blog option.

Then you have to authenticate your Shopify store. Press the Authenticate button and enter your Shopify store domain name, API key, and password.

Please read our quick user guide on how to obtain Shopify credentials.

If you are using legacy private apps, click the Use private app credentials option and enter your API key and Password.

As soon as your Shopify store is authenticated, you will see a list of blogs set up in your Shopify store.

Use the Choose a blog option to select one or several blogs. Then press the Generate button.

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Feeds of any Shopify blog

If you wish to generate a self-updating content feed of any other Shopify store or blog, you simply need to know its URL.

Choose the Generate feeds of - any Shopify store or blog option.

Then specify the full URL of a Shopify store, its product collection, or blog.


Then press the Generate button.

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Generating Shopify feeds

When you press the GENERATE button you have several options:

  • Save to Feeds Box - simply save Shopify feeds to the Feeds Box to use them later.
  • Add to Feeds Reader - add Shopify feeds to your Feeds Reader to start following the latest updates or for further research.
  • Add to a Posting Campaign - add Shopify feeds to an existing posting campaign or start a new campaign to start sharing content from Shopify feeds to your blogs and social media.
  • Add to a Content Widget - add your feeds to an existing content widget or create a new content widget to add a content block with Shopify feeds to your website or blog.

Note: whatever option you choose, your new Shopify feeds will be automatically saved to your Feeds Box.

We will generate a separate Shopify feed for each store, collection, or blog.

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