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How to set up an IFTTT applet (trigger or action)

IFTTT autoposting and content collection with applets
David Logan
Updated 5 months ago
  1. Trigger: New Item in Posting Campaign
  2. Trigger: New Item in Personal Feed
  3. Action: Create Item in Personal Feed

At the IFTTT platform, you create applets with a trigger (If this) and an action (then that). 

Learn more about IFTTT applets

RSS Ground can be used as a Trigger for automated content sharing. There are two scenarios: (a) New Item in Posting Campaign or (b) New Item in Personal feed. In Scenario (a) one of your posting campaigns will be the content source. When this campaign will be making a new post, it will automatically send this post also to Zapier. In scenario (b) one of your personal feeds will be the content source. As soon as you add new item to this personal feed it will be automatically sent to Zapier.

RSS Ground can be used as an Action for content collection: when new content appears in the selected trigger, a new item will be created in the specified personal feed.

List of most popular applets with RSS Ground

To create an applet, press Create button in your IFTTT account:

Trigger: New Item in Posting Campaign

Before creating an IFTTT applet you need to create at least one Integration Platforms posting campaign or enable integration in one of your regular posting campaigns.

Press Create for a new applet.

In the If This section press Add:

In the next step find the RSS Ground service:

Choose a trigger - New item in posting campaign. This means that when a new post will be made by your posting campaign, it will also be sent to this applet

You will be asked to authenticate your RSS Ground account and select a posting campaign from the drop-down:

Press the Create trigger button.

Now you have to set up a service that will be acting (Then that).

Find the service you need and set it up according to your needs.

Press Create action when you are done:

Read more about IFTTT triggers

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Trigger: New Item in Personal Feed

Before creating an IFTTT applet you need to create at least one personal feed.

In the If This section press Add

In the next step find the RSS Ground service:

Choose a trigger - New item in personal feed. This means that when a new item will be added to your personal feed, it will also be sent to this applet.

You will be asked to authenticate your RSS Ground account and select a posting campaign from the drop-down:
Press the Create trigger button.

Now you have to set up a service that will be acting (Then that).
Find the service you need and set it up according to your needs.

Press Create action when you are done:

Read more about IFTTT triggers

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Action: Create Item in Personal Feed

Before creating an applet you need to create at least one personal feed in RSS Ground.

If you wish to collect targeted content from any service on IFTTT you use RSS Ground as an action (THEN).

It means that if targeted content appears in the chosen service, IFTTT will be triggered and will send this content to your personal feed in RSS Ground.

In the If This section press Add:

On the next step find the needed service and set it up:

And then press Connect (Create trigger):

In the Then That section press Add and then select RSS Ground service:

Choose - Add a new item to personal feed

You will be asked to authenticate your RSS Ground account and select a needed RSS Ground personal feed:

Then you will set up an item layout. Use the Add ingredients option for this.

Press Create action to finish.

Your applet will run every time new content appears in the service you have specified and add a new item to your RSS Ground personal feed.

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