2. In the upper right corner find the dropdown with projects and press on NEW PROJECT:
3. Name your project and press CREATE:
4.In the left-side menu click on Library:
6. On the Blogger API page press on CREATE CREDENTIALS:
7. Select User data and press NEXT:
8. Name your app, specify user support email and developer contact email, press SAVE AND CONTINUE:
9. You can leave Scopes as is. Press SAVE AND CONTINUE:
10. Select Web application for the Application type. Provide for the name of your OAuth 2.0 client:
11. For Authorized redirect URIs press +ADD URI and enter
12. As soon as you receive Client ID, press DONE:
13. On the Blogger API page, go to the Credentials tab and click on your app:
14. On the OAuth 2.0 Client IDs find Client ID and Client Secret:
15. Go to OAuth consent in the left-side menu and press PUBLISH APP: