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RSS Ground API endpoints explained

Mike Gerrard
Updated 8 months ago

Here, we're going to cover the essential API endpoints that are utilized in integration platforms such as Zapier, IFTTT, Pabbly and others. Our API is designed to offer a smooth and powerful integration for marketers looking to enhance their content marketing workflows. Please note that all interactions with our API require OAuth 2.0 authentication to ensure the security of your data.

GET /me: Retrieve Your User Information


GET /me


Status: 200 OK {   id: "<Your User ID>", name: "<Your name>" }

GET /me/feeds/personal: Access Your Personal Feeds

Retrieve a list of all personal feeds linked to your account.


GET /me/feeds/personal


Status: 200 OK [ { id: "<Feed ID>", name: "<Feed Name>" }, // list personal feeds... ]

GET /me/campaigns: Access Your Posting Campaigns

Retrieve a list of your all posting campaigns that marked to work with integration services


GET /me/campaigns
Status: 200 OK
id: "abcde" ,
name: "Test campaign"

GET /campaign/sampleresponse: Webhook Sample Data

Retrieve a set of sample data of the trigger


GET /campaign/sampleresponse
Status: 200 OK
title: "Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!",
description: "<p>The magic of the holiday season is upon us...</p>",
url: "",
image_url: "",
created_at: "2023-12-31T15:00:00+00:00",
tags: "rssground,christmas",
campaign_name: "Test campaign"



POST /feed/personal/item: Create a New Item in Personal Feed

This endpoint is instrumental in creating a new posts in your personal feed.


POST /feed/personal Content-Type: application/json { feed_id: "<Feed ID to which the post will belong>", title: "<Title of the post>", description: "<HTML-formatted content of the post>", link: "<Optional: link to the post>", image_url: "<Optional: URL of an image for the post>" }


Status: 201 Created { id: "<Newly Created Post ID>", url: "URL of created post", feed_url: "URL of feed where post was created" }

POST /campaign/webhook: Webhook Subscription

Subscribe to the webhook notification


POST /campaign/webhook Content-Type: application/json { hookUrl: "<URL to send webhook data>", id: "<campaign ID in your RSS Ground account you want to subscribe>" }
Status: 200 OK { id: "<unique ID of the subscription (to use it in unsubscribe request)>" }

DELETE /campaign/webhook: Webhook Subscription Cancelation
Unsubscribe to the webhook notification


DELETE /campaign/webhook Content-Type: application/json { id: "<the ID of the subscription you want to delete>" }


Status: 200 OK {}

Parameters Explained:

  • feed_id (required): The ID of your personal feed where the post will be created.
  • title (required): The title of your new post.
  • description (required): The content of your post.
  • link (optional): A URL pointing back to the original post or related content.
  • image_url (optional): A URL of an image that you want to accompany the post for better engagement and visual appeal.
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