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RSS Ground Affiliate Program

Invite new users and earn money
David Logan
Updated 8 months ago

How to register for RSS Ground Affiliate program

With RSS Ground affiliate program you can start promoting RSS Ground and get paid up to 50% of a subscription fee each time a new user signs up for the service through your affiliate link. And the best part, we pay you month after month for each user for as long as he or she keeps active membership.

RSS Ground Affiliate program terms

RSS Ground Affiliate Program is available not only to registered members but also to everyone who wishes to promote the service. You don't need to sign up for any RSS Ground membership before joining the affiliate program.

To join the RSS Ground Affiliate program you need to go to the main menu Account >Affiliate program section.

Fill out the registration form.

In the Payment Email field, please specify your Paypal account email. If you don't wish to receive your commissions through Paypal, specify any other email. 

Please make sure you read the Terms of RSS Ground affiliate program before you register and agree to our terms of use.

Press Register.

To receive affiliate commissions to your Debit Card (US only) or Bank account (Worldwide), in your affiliate account please go to the Settings tab to register for a Payout Service. If you still wish to keep paid by PayPal, make sure your Paypal payment email is correct in the Profile Settings - Your Payment Email field.

Affiliate ID and personalized affiliate links

As soon as you register, find your affiliate ID and personal affiliate link in the Affiliate URLs section.

In this section, you can also generate a referral link to any specific RSS Ground page. Enter a page URL, specify a tag or a promo campaign name and press Generate URL button.

You will receive a referral link with your affiliate ID and promo campaign tag automatically embedded. Generate as many referral links as you want.

You can use promo campaign names or tags to track the performance of your links on different webpages or on different media platforms. We will tell you how to track your clicks a bit later.

To test your affiliate links log out from your RSS Ground account, clear cookies in your browser and use your affiliate link to visit RSS Ground. On the bottom of the page in the footer, you will see your RSS Ground username. This means that your affiliate link works correctly.

Tracking referred traffic from your website without using affiliate links.


We have one very advanced way to track your referrals without generating affiliate links.

Go to Direct links tab.

Enter website or webpage URL to the "Direct Link Domain" field, and press Save Direct Links.

We will check and make sure your website is good for promotion. You will receive a confirmation as soon as your website was approved.

After your direct link is approved, all traffic coming from this URL will be considered as referred by you.

Use the "Add new domain" option to specify more URLs.

Tracking affiliate links performance


Detailed statistics about all your clicks can be found in the Visits tab. Here you can see each visit referred through your affiliate links.

  • URL - what RSS Ground page this visitor was referred to.
  • Referring URL - what website this visitor came from.
  • Converted - if this visitor was converted to a subscriber.
  • Date - date of the visit.


A cumulative statistics of your affiliate links' performance can be seen in the Statistics tab.

  • Unpaid referrals - this number shows how many of your monthly and annual referred subscriptions were not paid yet. Note: this number also includes free Basic subscriptions. 
  • Unpaid earnings - the amount of commissions not paid yet.
  • Paid referrals - the number of subscriptions you have already been paid for.
  • Paid earnings - the total amount of commissions you have already been paid.
  • Conversion rate - a ratio of the number of users who clicked on your affiliate link to the number of further subscriptions.

In this section, you can see statistics of each promo campaign specified for the links in the Affiliate URLs tab.
  • Visits - the total number of clicks on all affiliate links that contain this pro campaign name.
  • Unique links - how many unique links brought these clicks.
  • Converted - how many subscriptions this campaign brought.
  • Conversion rate - a ratio of the number of clicks to the number of subscriptions.


If you prefer to view statistical information in graphical form then go to the Graphs tab.

Promo materials

We do not limit you in the means and methods of promoting our service. But if you need some promo materials to start with, please go to the Creatives tab.

You can use our promo banners of various sizes and forms. All banner links are already converted into your personal RSS Ground affiliate links.

Just copy the banner code and place it on your website.

History of affiliate commission payouts

In the Payouts tab, you can always see the history of all affiliate commission payments we made to you.

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