RSS Ground uses XML-RPC functionality to make posts to your WordPress blogs. But sometimes XML-RPC is blocked either by your security plugins or by your hosting provider.
We have developed our own WordPress plugin that will help RSS Ground to connect to your blog avoiding default XML-RPC. This plugin is absolutely secure and reliable. It will require minimal modification of your current posting campaign(s).
Plugin installation
Step 1. You need to go to your WordPress blog dashboard. Click Plugins > Add New.
Enter "rssground" into the search field. Then press "Install Now".
Step 2. As soon as the plugin is installed you can find it in the "Plugins" - "Installed Plugins" section. It is called RSS Ground. Click Activate to start it.
How to add plugin manually.
Step 1. Download the plugin and save it to your computer.
Step 2. Log in to your WordPress blog and click on Plugins > Add new in the left-side navigation bar.
Then press Upload Plugin and choose a downloaded zip file from your computer.
Step 3. As soon as the plugin is installed you can find it in the Plugins - Installed Plugins section. It is called RSS Ground. Click Activate to start it.
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Posting campaign setup.
If you are creating a new posting campaign, press the Authenticate button.
You can simply enter your blog URL, username and password. Or you can specify the path to our plugin. Basically, you add rssground.php to your blog's URL: rssground.php
Press Authenticate.
Tweak all other campaign settings and click SAVE CAMPAIGN.
If you already have a running posting campaign, press the Authenticate button.
In the Blog URL field, in the link to your blog, you need to replace xmlrpc.php with rssground.php: xmlrpc.php >
You have to update each and every campaign manually. This is necessary only if your default xml-rpc file does not work for you for the reasons mentioned above
If you have numerous campaigns for the same blog, please contact our support team and we will give you a hand updating your campaigns from our end.
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