"Posting failed with error 368: It looks like you were misusing this feature by going too fast. You’ve been blocked from using it. Learn more about blocks in the Help Center"
If you see such a message in your posting campaign log, this means that Facebook for some reason temporarily restricts your posting. Read about the possible reasons.
Since this message comes from Facebook, we don't have any control over the situation. Your posting ability will be restored, but we recommend reviewing your posting campaigns and considering the following recommendations:
1) Put your posting campaign on pause for a while.
2) Don't set to make posts too often. On average 3-6 hours posting interval is often enough. You can use even bigger posting intervals especially if you have several posting campaigns making posts to the same page or group.
3) Try to limit the number of pages and groups for simultaneous updates. It is better to set different campaigns to make posts from different content feeds.
4) Consider the content you post to Facebook. Make sure you follow Facebook community standards
5) You can set to make posts from different Facebook users that have an admin role in your pages/groups.